Electronic Government (VIF)

Full-time degree course, scholarship from the state of Lower Saxony possible.

Public administrations at state and local level depend on the well-functioning use of modern information technology. This has permeated all areas of work in public administration and digitalisation is advancing. IT systems must be newly developed and continuously operated in the administrations in order to ensure the state's ability to act.  

The degree course in Electronic Government teaches the specialist content and methods that are necessary in the development and operation of IT systems in public administrations of the state and municipalities. The tasks of Electronic Government specialists include developing IT-supported solutions to problems at the interface between information technology and administration as well as managing the awarding of contracts to specialised IT service providers.


Brief overview

  • Degree

    Bachelor of Science (BSc)

  • Start of studies

    Winter semester

  • Subject group
    Verwaltungswissenschaften, Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • Form of study


  • Admissions procedure

    nationwide limited-access

  • Focal Themes


  • Pre-study internship

    Das Praktikum hat eine Dauer von 4 Wochen und ist in einer Behörde, die Aufgaben öffentlicher Verwaltung wahrnimmt, abzuleisten. Im Praktikum sind Grundkenntnisse zu folgenden Themen nachzuweisen:

    • Grundlagen des Verwaltungshandelns

    • Aufbau der niedersächsischen Verwaltung auf Landes- oder Kommunalebene

    • Aufgaben und Organisation der Praxisstelle.

    Über das Praktikum ist bis zum Bewerbungsstichtag ein Nachweis der Praxisstelle vorzulegen. Wenn der Nachweis über das Praktikum nicht bis zum Bewerbungsstichtag vorgelegt werden kann, dann ist ein Nachweis darüber vorzulegen, dass das Praktikum mit einer Behörde, die Aufgaben öffentlicher Verwaltung wahrnimmt, vereinbart ist und bis zum Studienbeginn absolviert werden wird.


Offers for internships and bachelor theses

Electronic Governance (Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmid, Mai 2022)

Electronic governance should act as a holistic control and regulation system. It makes organizations fit for the future in the digital age. Many governance approaches are abstract and not very application-oriented. This would not do justice to the current challenges. Therefore, electronic governance is concretized in this publication as a framework to prevent the failure of digitization projects as well as to initiate further discussion:


Electronic Governance (Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmid, Mai 2022)

Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to prepare students for a responsible professional activity in information processing in public administrations and to provide them with the knowledge, skills and methods required for this. Graduates of the course are able to independently acquire further knowledge on a scientific basis, to independently develop findings and to use them in an application-oriented manner.