Business Planning and Development (MBD)

*Business Development

Change as a recipe for success

Today's economy is characterised by change: It involves dynamic, globalised brands, markets, industries that are constantly renewing themselves and the companies that have to react to these changes. In the Master of Science in Business Planning and Development (MBD), you will learn to understand this change as a critical element for success. Development is at the heart of the degree - developing existing businesses, developing ideas, developing strategies and processes. Within this framework, you have the opportunity to specialise quantitatively or qualitatively.

Brief overview

  • Degree

    Master of Science (MSc)

  • Start of studies

    Summer and winter semester

  • Form of study


  • Admissions procedure

    local limited-access

  • Focal Themes

    Es können aus vier Wahlkursen zwei gewählt werden: Internationales Marketing, Human Capital Management, Unternehmen im Wandel - Controlling und Accounting, Finanzwirtschaftliche Kennzahlen - Corporate Finance. Darüber hinaus gibt es die Möglichkeit einer Praxis- oder Forschungsphase.

  • Pre-study internship

    Ein Vorpraktikum ist nicht zwingend erforderlich.


    Nur für Studierende mit ausländischen Studienabschlüssen: Sie müssen sich vorher bei uni-assist bewerben. Informieren Sie sich bitte über die aktuellen Fristen hier.

    1. Please note that all courses are taught in German language.

Is MBD right for me?

Questions about the admission and application procedure

Questions about the course progression and organisation

Questions about the dual Master’s course

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Contact persons

If your questions cannot be answered by the above FAQ, please feel free to contact us. In principle, we answer all questions about the degree course by email. For this purpose, write to us at the following address:

If you wish to discuss further with the course director Prof. Dr. Fabian Lang, please send us an email.

Unfortunately, the office hours have to be cancelled on the following days:

ATTENTION! Due to the Corona pandemic, office hours will be cancelled. Please write an email and arrange a telephone appointment.

Faculty events