Introduction to work safety and health protection for students at the university faculty IV

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Presentation on the topics of

  • insurance cover in the event of accidents,
  • medical emergencies, first aid,
  • evacuation of buildings in the event of danger,
  • hygiene concept,
  •  general information



The video on occupational safety and health

Knowledge compact... The VIDEO

For the digital generation, chilled out knowledge transfer via pressure refuelling in 10 minutes:

Creation: Craul, Lewin, Riquelme, Sprengel & Thomes

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The occupational health and safety quiz

Based on an idea by: Craul, Lewin, Riquelme, Sprengel & Thomes

Fun, games, excitement... The QUIZ

Dare to pass this tough learning objective quiz:

The HsH quiz "Who will become a security professional?".


00-03 Points: Safety Grumpy (nice it again!)

04-06 points: Safety padawan (rudimentary basic knowledge at least!)

07-08 points: Safety star (already very close to it!)

09-10 points: Security professional (perfect!)